What do we believe? 

What do we believe? 

What do we believe? 

We believe the scriptures of both the Old and New Testament in the Holy Bible are the inspired word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

We believe the Holy Spirit guided and directed human authors to create God’s written means of communication with us, which reveals God’s love and plan to be in relationship with all of humanity.

The Bible is God’s blueprint for living the Christian life and is our full source for faith and practice.

We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior who came to earth in the flesh to reveal God to humans and to restore all of fallen humanity to a personal relationship with God. 

We believe Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. Jesus is both fully human and fully God. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life and embodies the truth about God and the Truth of God. Jesus willingly died on the cross to demonstrate God’s love for sinful humans and to provide salvation for all humanity. His sacrifice in our place provides all humans the means to be reconnected with their loving Creator.

Here at Mitchell’s Grove we believe that Christians do ministry best as a team - together which is why we are affiliated with the Global Methodist Church. We value the time you give serving in ministry and want it to be meaningful to you. Please reach out to our pastor with any questions and we are happy to help you select an outreach. 

Mission Work. 

From small local groups to international support - we are committed to showing Jesus to the world. 

Check out our incredible church family and find your home with us. 

the Grove. Rooted. 

We believe the Church is a spiritual group made up of all those in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, who are called to live in fellowship and worship together. We believe in the priesthood of all believers: everyone in relationship with Christ is gifted, empowered and called to serve within God’s mission to reach the world. The Church is God’s vehicle on earth to bring about God’s justice and mercy for all people. We are the church. 

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